Sie befin­den sich hier:Start­sei­te/Schu­lun­gen/Offe­ne Schu­lun­gen: Soft­ware Qua­li­täts­si­che­rung/ISTQB® Cer­ti­fied Tes­ter – Foun­da­ti­on Level (CTFL 4.0) in English

ISTQB® Certified Tester – Foundation Level (CTFL 4.0) in English

In this three-day basic trai­ning cour­se, tasks, methods and tech­ni­ques of soft­ware test­ing are taught in accordance with the inter­na­tio­nal­ly stan­dar­di­zed curriculum.

Now with the new CTFL 4.0 curriculum!

ISTQB Platinum Partner
20 Jahre Akademie
GTB Recognized Live Online Provider

Choose a training course date:

ISTQB® Cer­ti­fied Tes­ter – Foun­da­ti­on Level (CTFL 4.0) in Eng­lish
25. Febru­ar 202527. Febru­ar 2025
ISTQB® Cer­ti­fied Tes­ter – Foun­da­ti­on Level (CTFL 4.0) in Eng­lish
8. Juli 202510. Juli 2025
ISTQB® Cer­ti­fied Tes­ter – Foun­da­ti­on Level (CTFL 4.0) in Eng­lish
28. Okto­ber 202530. Okto­ber 2025

Get your discount

  • 10% dis­count on the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on fee of the second participant
    (if two par­ti­ci­pan­ts regis­ter for the same cour­se at the same time)
  • 10% dis­count on the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on fee of the second participant
    + 20% dis­count dis­count on the fee of the third and all other participants
    (if three or more par­ti­ci­pan­ts regis­ter for the same trai­ning cour­se at the same time)

To take advan­ta­ge of the dis­counts and to regis­ter seve­ral peo­p­le for a trai­ning cour­se at the same time, plea­se cont­act Ste­pha­nie Kai­ser at the Aca­de­my. She will advi­se you personally.

You can find fur­ther details in our FAQs.

The updated CTFL 4.0 syl­labus has been available sin­ce sum­mer 2023 and now covers not only test­ing in clas­sic soft­ware pro­jects, but also agi­le deve­lo­p­ment methods. The inte­gra­ti­on of the test­ing pro­cess in clas­sic and agi­le deve­lo­p­ment methods is dis­cus­sed, inclu­ding all test­ing acti­vi­ties from test plan­ning to test clo­sure. The fun­da­men­tals of risk manage­ment, con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on manage­ment, defect manage­ment, and the use of tools round out the training.

After com­ple­ting this cour­se, you will be able to suc­cessful­ly per­form soft­ware tests in agi­le and clas­sic soft­ware projects.

  • Fun­da­men­tals of Testing
  • Test­ing in the con­text of a soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment life cycle
  • Sta­tic Testing
  • Test ana­ly­sis and design
  • Manage­ment of test activities
  • Test tools
  • Semi­nar duration:
    3 days
  • Tar­get groups:
    Soft­ware deve­lo­pers, soft­ware tes­ters, pro­ject mana­gers, QA representatives
  • Num­ber of participants:
    maxi­mum 10
  • Pre­re­qui­si­tes:
    Basic know­ledge of soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment desirable
  • Lan­guage:
  • Cer­ti­fi­ca­te:
    The exami­na­ti­on by iSQI takes place on the last day of the cour­se. After pas­sing the exam the par­ti­ci­pant recei­ves the cer­ti­fi­ca­te „ISTQB® Cer­ti­fied Tes­ter – Foun­da­ti­on Level“.
  • Cos­ts:
    1,450.00 €
    plus 19% VAT, incl. text­book and cour­se mate­ri­als, cate­ring and refreshments.
    215.00 € plus 19% VAT exami­na­ti­on fee

Weitere interessante Schulungsthemen:

ISTQB Platinum Partner
GTB Recognized Live Online Provider

Wobei dürfen wir Sie unterstützen?

Pro­fi­tie­ren Sie von der Exper­ti­se unse­rer Experten.

Kon­takt­for­mu­lar Ste­pha­nie Kaiser
* Pflicht­feld